Dell U2312HM question and recommendations for a monitor stand?

18 Jun 2009
Basically I've just added a shelf to my desk which is 20cm high (too high).
So I'd like to remedy this by replacing the stand on my monitor which is completely unadjustable with an after-market one purely so that I can lower the monitor as much as possible and reduce strain on my neck.

Which stand would people recommend? I rather not invest in a clamp mechanism one as clamping down on an already clamped shelf doesn't sound like a great idea- I might be wrong.

Secondly, can anyone with a Dell U2312HM comment on how low it goes? From pics of the stand it looks like it could go all the way down to the base/ desk which is what I want but I wanna be sure before I put the money down.

Thanks in advance.

Here's a pic of the shelf:
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