Dell XPS M1330

2 May 2004

I'm thinking of getting a laptop around May/June (provided I have the money).

I'm looking to spend £800-£900 and would prefer to configure it myself (e.g. Dell).

I've been looking at the Dell M1330 and really like the look of it. I configured it with a 2.2GHZ T7500, 13.3" White LED screen, 2048 667MHZ RAM, 160GB 7200RPM hard drive (maybe the 200GB 7200 if I can afford it at the time), nVidia 8400, 6-cell battery (I would have gone for 9-cell, but I HATE the way it sticks out at the bottom).

Does anyone have a similar laptop to the above, if so what battery time do you get?

As the laptop is so small do I lose out on anything compared to a similar speced 15.4"?

Also, what graphic card can the 8400 be compared to in desktop PC performance terms?

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the 8400 gives about 1000 3dmark 06 points. so as long as you dont want to game on it then im sure you will be fine

Not bad. Only games I'd want to play on the laptop are e.g. a bit of CSS, RF Online etc

Haven't got my 1330 yet, but I'll try and help where I can.

You don't really lose anything - some physical screen space obviously, but that's about it. Only other benefits of opting for a 14" or 15" would be the options for a better resolution display, a better graphics chipset (the Vostro 1500 and XPS M1530 can have an 8600M GT), and a few other small options. You also only get 2 USB ports on the 1330.

In desktop terms, the 8400GS in the XPS is probably a bit slower than the desktop version.

If you're only going to be ordering in May/June though, I wouldn't really worry about the spec now, because they'll probably be offering different things in 6 months time.

Thanks :)

I guess I should be looking closer to the time really. 2 USBs doesn't bother me, most of the time I'll have nothing plugged in, possibly a mouse sometimes and maybe something else (pen drive).

DELL XPS M1530 look at that, its new and its at a good price, within your budget

The only thing that put me off that laptop was the fact that I couldn't choose a 7200RPM hard drive with it :(

spend a little extra and get the M1530, i could get them for 760 delivered not long ago. which is a hell of a bargain for the spec. :)

The only real hardware difference I've seen between the M1330 and the M1530 is a better graphics card is possible & the M1530 weighs in at almost 3kg with the 8600 etc. :(

My Dad's old laptop is around 2.7kg and even that's way to heavy for my liking which is one of the reasons I like the look of the M1330 :)
i'm thinking of getting myself one of these shortly.

is there any way to tell on the outlet site if they have the 8400 graphics card or the intel? or is it a case of if its not listed its got the intel graphics?


I'd say most of the time they'd list it, especially as the 8400 is fairly high end in the laptop world. If it's not listed then assume it has Intel.
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