Dell XPS M1530 - battery not working?

12 Jun 2005
I have used my laptop for a while without the battery plugged in.

Now it doesn't seem to work when I plug the battery in and needs the AC plugged in.

When I press the on button with the battery in and with the AC *NOT* plugged in the hotkey lights start flashing sequentially as usual and then it just dies.

Has anyone else ever had this issue? Can it be fixed without calling them out?

You may have done this already but i couldn't make out from your post.

If the battery hasn't been used for a while it 'may' have lost it's charge... Best to boot the laptop up with battery and AC in. Go into the power meter in BIOS or windows and check the status of the battery charge.

If it's low let it charge fully first and then try battery only.
You did a post a while agao last year regarding using your icybox for VM images.
Were you running them from the ICY or just storing copies on there?
Im assuming you were using NFS to load them.
Did you get round your problems as Im interested in buying one myself and doing same thing.
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