Dell XPS M1530 question about the 8400M GS graphics

8 Apr 2004
Hi, I'm considering buying this laptop soon but I was wondering if the 8400M GS that comes as standard is the TurboCache one or not? Am I right in saying that the TurboCache is quite poor as it's integrated graphics rather than dedicated? I've been looking at some other laptops such as Acer Gemstone ones and the ones that have the 8400M GS also say Turbocache. So I'm wondering whether the Dell ones have this too, or a 'proper' and more powerful one (if such a thing exists). The only game I would play on it would be WoW if that is any help. Many thanks
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i'd advise you to see if your budget can stretch to the 8600M GT instead, if you want to game you will benefit from it. The 8600M GT with its DDR3 RAM is the main reason why the masses choose the M1530. IMO buying a M1530 without the 8600M GT is kind of a missed opportunity if you will be gaming
Thanks for the replies. I decided to pay the little extra and get the 8600M GT. It will probably prolong my order a bit, and I would have really liked the laptop as soon as I could (for my project) but the better graphics chip will be worth it. Maybe I won't notice the difference with WoW, but who knows what new MMORPG I may get into in 2008 :)
Nice one, you made a good choice. You will see a marked improvement with the 8600M GT with WoW or any game that you play. There is something like +35% performance increase with the 8600M GT compared to the 8400M GS, which in my books makes it definitely worth the extra money :)
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