Delta Force 2

5 Apr 2006
Oh My!

I just installed this so i've got something to do while I wait for city link to deliver my stuff from OcUK and man it's harder than i remember and the graphics suck harder than i remember.

OK the AI is really bad but its annoying as hell when you get clipped through walls etc haha.

Might go have some more shotgun fun on it tbh *awaits the City Link van*

Anybody remember playing this?
Is it the one where you start in the blackhawk and it flies you round a training camp?

Its deltaforce land warrior? the one with the OWCI rifle gun or whatever its called?

I baught a 2nd hand copy for 6 quid, and didnt even get out of the training zone, i kept shooting grenades in the chopper or tking the guys on the ground.

I loved the first DF but like you say it looks so bad i couldnt brng myself to even play it
first game i ever played online :D
56k!!!!! :eek: :cool:

awesome game, and still fairly active online game.
always hated the gfx, looks like MS paint, but the playablility to 2nd to none IMHO.

cheap plug for my website: :) get some new maps/levels for your df2 :cool:
Used to play this and the original Delta force on a LAN (BNC!! :eek: ) with my mates. Was hilarious - just lying on a hill looking for a moving pixel, then sniping them. Even better than that was sneaking up and knifing them - if you just jumped continuously you didn't make footsteps :D. Used to love the fact that you could assign insults to the F keys and jive-talk them when you killed them.
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