Delta Force Paintballing

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Im going to this paintballing place in cramlington in 3 weeks,ive been paintballing before and it was great.. but this place looks better than the last one i went to.

anyone been to one of these ones? 18 quid is cheap... but i know fine well the balls will cost a fortune there and ya cant take your own :(

any comments would be appreciated :D
Dont lie about getting shot.... someone who was with us got put in front of a load of people, without his shirt on, and "executed" for his Fib... all I can say is "ouch"
Dont take Camden Town Mushrooms before you go either, it gets scary.
Very good fun :D Make sure you work as a team though, as the one I went to in Bath had a KILLER bridge map. Was nigh on impossible. Also, really try not to shoot people if they've been hit already. I had about 6 guys on me each getting off 3 shots. :\ ouch is all I can say. It wouldn't be so bad but it lasted about 6 seconds, FAR longer than it takes to realise someone's already been hit. Just saying, as it'll get people really miffed (Like it did me).
I just went to the Nottingham one a few days ago!

Basically 100 painballs cost £6 - you will go through 100 each round(2 games per round) if you're carefull.

They had 4-5 diffrent playing areas, with different scenarios each requiring very diffrent skills. The "village" was my favourite (ie one team defending village, other trying to attack and retrieve item from hut)...

It cost me £50 for the day, but you could easily spend 200+ if you are very trigger happy!

Dont try and bring your own stuff because you will get booted out. Its probably worth buying some protected gloves, because shots to the hand hurt!!!(they sell them for £8). Also bring a cup to protect your manhood!! (they dont sell these!)
I work for Delta Force and i can pretty much guarantee you will have a great time. What was the £18 for? You shouldn't be paying more than £5 entry and £5 per 100 balls.

Some battle tips having observed hundreds of punter games at DF.

1. Don't fire straight ahead, move down one side and shoot diagonally.

2. If you are feeling brave, stand up, hold your gun by your side and walk down the edge of the game zone. no one is stupid enough to walk down the edge of a game zone without their gun up... right?

3. Communication. Let people know what you are doing, get them to help you. A little bit of covering fire works wonders.

4. Pick a gun that's heavier, more gas, more pressure.

5. Keep your paint warm, it works better when it hits people and it won't shatter in your gun and gum it up.

6. Clean your lens with fairy liquid as provided as soon as you get your mask. Do it after every game. Make sur eyou can see out of it properly before you go out to the game zone.

7. Watch your flanks. Everyone gets too focused on what is directly ahead of them, they never see the shot from the side coming.
Lt. Manlove said:
Awwww! But that is half the fun :D:D

The best part of paintballing is the last man standing at the end of the day where you just use all your balls up. Got my dad about 20 times in the a**e from about 10 foot away. He couldnt sit down properly for about a week. :cool: :D
Amp34 said:
The best part of paintballing is the last man standing at the end of the day where you just use all your balls up. Got my dad about 20 times in the a**e from about 10 foot away. He couldnt sit down properly for about a week. :cool: :D

yeh, i did that and managed to win. Probably because i was better at conserving my ammo than anyone else.
the whole honesty system aint bad... but the pain system works better... keep shooting until they get that hand nice and high in the air :D

could i ask is it just me or do delta force hire a crazy number of australians ? every time the deltaforce people ask me if i want to go painballing its always an australian bloke... even when im in a different town they always seem to be australian :)
They (DF) own a flat/apartment in most Cities with a Delta Force site. Australian students/youths are invited over and get to live for free in them provided they sell tickets (which they get commission on).
thanks for the replies... so u say it should only cost 5quid?

my mate is arranging it and he says its 18 quid. i dunno if that is infact the case but thats what hes saying :)

its the cramlington one im going to. how soon should you pre book? do they get full at this time of year etc?

answers appreciated :D

This is Delta force, £4.99 entry. Tell them you have a point of sale card offering 100 free paintballs to each person.

Paintballs when bought in a bulk load of 2500 or above are charged at £5 per 100. Before you go, get all your money together and buy all your paint at the start of the day. I reckon roughly 700 is an average amount for the day.

The package your mate is talking about may include lunch. The bbq lunch is £3.85-£4 and can be ordered in the morning on the day.

Booking early the day before is the latest you should book.

I can't speak for the cramlington one, but at the moment we average 200 people on the saturday and 150 on the sunday. You will be divided into groups of 40-50 (split into 2 teams) and play with the same group all day.
dont believe i just read this now :(

we just phoned up and got charged 9.90 for the entry and equipment etc. wish id seen that link earlier :(
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