DeltaForce Games.. (DF1,DF2,BHD ETC)



23 Aug 2005
Just wondering really who used to play the old delta force games :)

Thought we could list what games we played, what teams we were in and our favorite servers etc!

I'll start,

Started on DF2, played for ::CHI under the name Eagle::CHI, with ICU, Huntress, TILT, Mamba etc, also played for -SBS- with rex & andy if anyone remembers them!

Then moved to BHD after a few years, stayed with ::CHI for a while then moved on to .pth - path finders, .se - squad elite, team gb, *ISA* and |TM| Team Muppet :)

Mainly played on *ISA* Arena server with the name VeX or NormanNoob on BHD :)

So, who else played the DF series?? Let's see if we recognise any names etc :)

That is all!
Aw, nostalgia is settling in :D

DF: Black Hawk Down... Used to be in a clan called Team Muppet, with all the players named after the muppets, funnily enough :p

Sitting out in the hills, miles away, taking them out, one by one... Just can't do that in games nowadays :(

I was in TM as NormanNoob, what was your name?? :D
i played df 1 or 2 i think all i can rememmber is some really weird voice taunt, in female and male voices... can anyone rememmber that ???

oh and the famous "SNIPER ON THE HILL" warning... lol i do hope that was DF or im going to have to do some research.

Played land warrior only team i was in for that was BAF, moved on to BHD and played in a couple of teams, most notably pth (pathfinders) for the majority of my BHD days with ice, mol, aphex, big_dave, um can't remember many more now but met them all at a little lan we had near essex, good times.

By the time i quit i was consistently hitting 50% headshots minimum, only other guy i knew that could do that was a guy called neifelhiem in DEA - i HATED people who noobtubed 24/7

ice, security, stealth ect in pth :) I was VeX.

Did you ever play in team gb? me, goldy, stealth, security, ice, sublime, getz, street etc
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I remember the name goldy and street, can't remember any of the others though, i was in BAF with ice + some of the other original pth guys in 2003, then in pth with a lot of them up until around about sptember/october 2004 when i jumped ship to play css

The way back machine will sort my memory out as i think i have all my dates wrong!

urban Tigers - I played for them briefly nearer the end of my BHD days (played for them for about half a month in css as well)
Genocide krew - always had good laughs with those guys

Can't get into the pathfinders page of 2003 though as it keeps going to a later one >_<

Ahh yeah, I played for uT for a while when they moved to joint ops :P
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