Demon - ADSL Max

6 Dec 2002
North East
Just thinking of migrating to Demon so I gave them a quick ring. They said that they're upgrading everyone to ADSL Max within the next 3 weeks and that Demon Home 2000 will have a FUP and a cap but the HomeOffice would be completely unlimited.

Now whether this is true or not is anybodys guess :o

Anyone else want to ring and question them? :)

Telephone - 0800 027 3737 (then hit 0 when connected as you'll get straight through to a customer representative)

Look forward to see how others fair...

BeatMaster :D


If it was true, it would mean that Demon would be the best ADSL Max ISP in the UK, basically been Evolution DSL but I think Demon are slightly better than them :p

*Fingers Crossed* it's true! Demon here I come if it is.....
gamesaregood said:
Hello mate,

I so hope your right ... becasuse ... I'm already on Home Office 2000 :D if this is true i will be so happy i didn't migrate to Nildram :)

Also my 512kbps line is too slow :(

P.S The Sales Lines closes at 5-00pm on Fridays!!!

Although i hope the service does not go downhill if it does happen!



Well apparently there busy the testing the network now so that they'll be able to cope and not have loads of problems like other ISPs. I've got a good feeling about this and hopefully if all goes well Demon will be the best ISP in the UK :cool:

They've just recently done some sort of upgrade according to ADSLGuide which is had a good response from everyone.

Are they open on Saturdays?

BeatMaster :D
Laurio said:
Well me mate johnny..phonin Demon is a nightmare! and they dont open for business on a saturday, they all go to the pub then!
PS my 2mb is sound as a pound now :D


All go to the pub on a Saturday...*applies to work @ Demon* :p

Glad to hear your 2Mb line is still sound as a pound, apparently it should be even faster than it was a couple of weeks ago aswell. They just upgraded to a new platform making things nice and speedy ready for ADSL Max :cool:

BeatMaster :D
tolien said:
Given they pay the same Central prices as most ISPs (and the way the Home product went not that long ago), that's somewhat unlikely - unless they've managed to build an LLU network on the quiet.

You neverknow *shifty eyes* :eek: hehe

FunkyT said:
My experience of Demon 2Mbps isn't great - the latency in gaming is awful!

Even now? If you head over to ADSLGuide, New ADSL Plaform Live :confused:

BeatMaster :D
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