
18 Mar 2012
Why is there barely any demos for PC games? I remember on Xbox you used to get loads of them. There's so many games i want to try without buying the full game. I know there's that naughty thing you can do on the internet but still..
The age of demos is over, it's now all about releasing overpriced "early-access" titles which barely work so that game development studios can get paid for others testing their games.
Early access is indeed to blame for this, there are a surprising number on steam though, just generally not for the games I want to check out..
Publishers don't make money from demos.
They'd rather that you paid £50 for the privilege of finding out that the game is pap.
With early access we pay companies to play demo versions of the game.

Why would they give them out for free?! Ludicrous.
I know but i don't want to play a game that's not finished? I refuse to pay for anything thats in early access. I'll pay full price if i like the game.
Those were the days!

Demo discs rocked – I remember playing demos off PC Gamer mags of pretty much all my favourite games of my childhood – worms, Unreal Tournament, Theme Hospital, Deus Ex etc.

Early access isn't perfect, but I still went for it on Kerbal Space Program, and I don't regret it in the slightest. That said, I did play their demo beforehand!
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Getting a demo disk with the official Playstation magazine used to be the highlight of my month when I was a kid. I do wish more PC games would release demos, but I can't even remember the last time a demo for a top tier game was released on PC.
Getting a demo disk with the official Playstation magazine used to be the highlight of my month when I was a kid. I do wish more PC games would release demos, but I can't even remember the last time a demo for a top tier game was released on PC.

It's pretty sad isn't it. I too used to love the demo disks coming with the magazines. I can understand why they don't do demos anymore but I still wish that they would. If I could try a game before buying it I'd probably buy more games whilst they're still at full price. As things stand at the moment I usually wait until they are vastly cheaper just in case it turns out to be crap!
Back in the day it used to be a tape on the front of the magazine. That said though, there was nothing worse back then than typing in pages of machine code from Your Sinclair or Crash only for one of two things to happen, a.) when you try to run it you realise that you've made a single typo somewhere in the thousands of lines or b.) you dare to breath anywhere near the Spectrum and it crashes.
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