Denon AVR 1610 No power - Worth repairing?

11 Jun 2008
Stuck on the A406
Hi all,

I have owned a Denon AVR 1610 A/V Receiver for the last 5 years or so, it has been great.

Unfortunately as of last Sunday, it won't power on any more. There is no red light around the power button, nothing to indicate any power is getting to the Amp.

I have tried:

1. Swapping the power cord to one that I know works.
2. Taking the cover off and checking the power connections, and the fuse on the power board.
3. Spraying compressed air to get rid of surface dust around the power board.
4. Resetting the microprocessor as per the manual instructions (this was a long shot).

None of these things have had any effect - the fuse is perfectly intact.

I guess Im just looking to see what my options are from here.

Would the unit be economical to get repaired? If not, should I just go out and replace it?

I suspect since it only cost me just over £200, labour costs alone would probably make it not worth repairing.

Would it be worth anything in its current state?

If it does turn out replacement is the best course of action, I won't be too disappointed as I did not pay much for it, and it has been a fantastic unit over the last 5 years.

Many thanks for any advice.
Is there any noises coming from the unit when you try to switch it on? maybe try point 4 afew more times?

Otherwise I would say its time to upgrade mate and stick it on that auction site.
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Have you removed all cables except power cable? I connected a kindle fire stick into my amp last week and it failed to turn on, removed the stick and bingo turned on.
Have you removed all cables except power cable? I connected a kindle fire stick into my amp last week and it failed to turn on, removed the stick and bingo turned on.

Yeah I did try that, with all the (other) cables taken out. Still no juice. The unit just seems to be dead.

Yep, looks like upgrade time.

Thank you both for the responses.
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