Denon AVR-X1700H static noise from 1 set of speak output

27 Dec 2006
So I've had my new receiver just over a week and all being well till yesterday I noticed some static sound coming from one of my surround speaker which happens when the receiver is switched on. No source is loaded or any passthrough from HDMI (TV)

Doing some testing I found it seems to be that surround output coming from the receiver.
I think its a faulty device from the testing I tried below.

  • Reseat speaker cable coming from the amp (banana plugs) and the speaker itself - no change
  • Factory reset AV receiver - no change
  • Disconnected suspected speaker cable and moved into another speaker output and static noise coming from new speaker
  • Used new speaker cable from suspected faulty output and same issue - no change
  • Reconfigured my speaker setup from the 5.1 to a 3.1.2 setup using the additional surround output and speakers all work correctly.
  • Tried blowing compressed air into the speaker output - no change.
After doing the testing I have a feeling its that perticular speaker output which isn't right.

I tried contact Peter Tyson Servicing but no one of the other end picked up so left them a voicemail to call back.

Any one have any ideas whats going on with the AMP or suggestions what to try?
Also anyone dealt with Peter Tyson's customer service and if they received great / fair level of customer satisfaction?
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