Denon AVR-X2700H no Surround Issue?

5 Mar 2007
Hello All,

But of a strange one, but I've noticed the last couple of days that my Denon 2700H was not outputting to the rear speakers (I've got a 5.1.2 set up).

Netflix (from Nvidia Shield eARC)
I first noticed that Netflix Dolby Surround was only coming out as stereo despite the AMP displaying DD, I went into the settings, changed nothing and then surround worked...

Sky Q (direct into the AMP)
Same thing last night only with SkyQ and ATMOS, nothing from the surround speakers, went in and out of the settings a couple of times this time and then ATMOS worked...

Plex (from Nvidia Shield eARC)
Nvidia Shield, same issue...

Just wondering if anyone has come across this before, could it be a setting or a sign of failure?

I'll do a factory re-set over the weekend but thought I'd canvas opinions.

Denon AVR-X2700H
Q Acoustic 3020i Fronts
Q Acoustic 3010i Rears
Q Acoustic 3090i Centre
MINX Mini 22 Highs
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Do a quick check first using the speaker channel balance tones to test if the amp's for the respective channels are okay. If they are, then read on...

DD isn't always 5.1 It can be stereo 2.0, or even mono 1.0. If it is, then sound will come from whichever corresponding speaker. DD flagging locks the amp in to processing the signal "as is". This is different to how stereo PCM is handled. With that, you can apply Dolby upscaling, but not so when the signal is flagged DD.

The next question then is how this DD signal is originated.

Sometimes it's the broadcaster getting the flagging wrong. Other times it's in the way the source device handles the signal decoding and output. I'll give you an example.

My TV has three modes for audio output. These are:
  • PCM - everything is output as stereo PCM with Dolby Surround encoding if it was 5.1 at source
  • DD - everything is converted to Dolby Digital even if it's a stereo 2.0 signal
  • AUTO - the TV looks for the flagging from the broadcaster, the outputs either PCM 2.0 or DD as appropriate
Where your source is set to fixed DD but the signal it is getting to decode is PCM stereo then you'll end up with DD 2.0

Have a look at the audio output settings on the sources.
Hello All,

But of a strange one, but I've noticed the last couple of days that my Denon 2700H was not outputting to the rear speakers (I've got a 5.1.2 set up).

Netflix (from Nvidia Shield eARC)
I first noticed that Netflix Dolby Surround was only coming out as stereo despite the AMP displaying DD, I went into the settings, changed nothing and then surround worked...

Sky Q (direct into the AMP)
Same thing last night only with SkyQ and ATMOS, nothing from the surround speakers, went in and out of the settings a couple of times this time and then ATMOS worked...

Plex (from Nvidia Shield eARC)
Nvidia Shield, same issue...

Just wondering if anyone has come across this before, could it be a setting or a sign of failure?

I'll do a factory re-set over the weekend but thought I'd canvas opinions.

Denon AVR-X2700H
Q Acoustic 3020i Fronts
Q Acoustic 3010i Rears
Q Acoustic 3090i Centre
MINX Mini 22 Highs

It does sound like there is a problem with the receiver. If it works fine when you turn if first then losses surround sound after a while, it might be overheating. Denon's get very hot, especially in small cabinets. So it might be worth putting a fan in front of it and see does that solve the problem.

It's unlikely to be a settings problem if it comes and goes like that. And it's unlikely to be a cable connection problem, might be worth checking them again though.
It does sound like there is a problem with the receiver. If it works fine when you turn if first then losses surround sound after a while, it might be overheating. Denon's get very hot, especially in small cabinets. So it might be worth putting a fan in front of it and see does that solve the problem.

It's unlikely to be a settings problem if it comes and goes like that. And it's unlikely to be a cable connection problem, might be worth checking them again though.

Cheers for the response, I actually have a couple of PC fans next to me I'm about to put on top of the AMP as when I was looking into it last night I did notice it was hot to touch (although not in a cabinet)

Do you know it overheating would cause this, or would it just result in random "stuff" happening...hopefully the extra cooling will fix but am a bit concerned as it's a tricky one to explain / prove for warranty point of view...
Cheers for the response, I actually have a couple of PC fans next to me I'm about to put on top of the AMP as when I was looking into it last night I did notice it was hot to touch (although not in a cabinet)

Do you know it overheating would cause this, or would it just result in random "stuff" happening...hopefully the extra cooling will fix but am a bit concerned as it's a tricky one to explain / prove for warranty point of view...

Try the fans, there is nothing to lose. But, if it's not in a cabinet then it shouldn't be overheating, unless your house is like furnace :p

Could it cause the issue you are having? Sure it could. Overheating can cause lots of problems.

If the fans solve the problem, then you have to think about what you are going to do. It shouldn't be overheating if it's in the open. It might get hot, but, it shouldn't be hot enough to cause issues. Which would mean that there is something wrong, something that might get worse. So, I would consider returning it.

If the fans don't solve the problem, try the factory reset, but, I am not sure that will do anything. If it does brilliant!! If it doesn't, I think you should return it.
Try the fans, there is nothing to lose. But, if it's not in a cabinet then it shouldn't be overheating, unless your house is like furnace :p

Could it cause the issue you are having? Sure it could. Overheating can cause lots of problems.

If the fans solve the problem, then you have to think about what you are going to do. It shouldn't be overheating if it's in the open. It might get hot, but, it shouldn't be hot enough to cause issues. Which would mean that there is something wrong, something that might get worse. So, I would consider returning it.

If the fans don't solve the problem, try the factory reset, but, I am not sure that will do anything. If it does brilliant!! If it doesn't, I think you should return it.


House is far from a furnace! I'll whack on the fans and test over the weekend, just unsure how to word the issue if it continues, I bought from Richer Sounds who I've always found great with issues so might email and see what they say...although I suspect they will think its "user error / setting"...

House is far from a furnace! I'll whack on the fans and test over the weekend, just unsure how to word the issue if it continues, I bought from Richer Sounds who I've always found great with issues so might email and see what they say...although I suspect they will think its "user error / setting"...

Richersounds are normally pretty good though. Well, at least they have been in my previous dealings with them. I doubt they will think it's a user error when you have the same issue from two different sources and without you changing any settings!!

Have you tried doing what Lucid said above and playing the test tones for each speaker from the setup menu? When/If it happens again, that there is only stereo sound, try playing the test tones. Could help narrow down the problem.
Thanks all (again), just "fitted" the fans and had a quick check, all seems well.

I did the test tone last night and all speakers are fine.

I first noticed the issue watching Netflix, paused the show, opened the AMP settings continued the show and the sound was vastly improved, 5.1 where it sounded mono (almost all centre) beforehand (same source, same programme). Hopefully its some kind of anomaly that disappears.

Will watch over the weekend and keep an ear out!
Just to point out that if it's stereo there won't be output from the centre. If you think you've lost rears, might be worth checking the test tone again at that point, if it's turned off for overheating for exams it won't cool off that quick.
Just curious as to how you got on over the weekend?

Hello All,

Sorry for the late response, fans are on top of the AMP now and doing a really good job, I didn't realise the AMP has air vents on the sides and these are very near to the sides of the cabinet it's in (almost no gap!). The top of the AMP was hot to touch..AMP is now cool.

I performed a factory reset as within the menu system (see vid below) I noticed the "Subwoofer Level Adjustment" option was flickering, as in one second the menu was selectable, the next it wasn't...factory reset fixed this and the issue seems to have gone...I suspect the AMPs software somehow got corrupted(?)...

Seems ok now and cool (nothing funny going on in the menus)...
Hello All,

Sorry for the late response, fans are on top of the AMP now and doing a really good job, I didn't realise the AMP has air vents on the sides and these are very near to the sides of the cabinet it's in (almost no gap!). The top of the AMP was hot to touch..AMP is now cool.

I performed a factory reset as within the menu system (see vid below) I noticed the "Subwoofer Level Adjustment" option was flickering, as in one second the menu was selectable, the next it wasn't...factory reset fixed this and the issue seems to have gone...I suspect the AMPs software somehow got corrupted(?)...

Seems ok now and cool (nothing funny going on in the menus)...

happy days :) Glad it's sorted. RMA's at the moment are a pain.
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