Denuvo makers *may* be about to get sued.

12 May 2012

It states ARE going to get sued in this thread, but it's not started yet, but then the one possibly doing this has done similar against others before.

There is interesting version why appeared Denuvo v.4 without VMProtect. Here is a translation of post in russian part of internet. Source of the post in russian:

"I want to tell you a story about one very clever and greedy Austrian company called Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH.

This company in due time has let out the system called Denuvo and the most remarkable in this history that in this system absolutely illegally uses our VMProtect. About 3 years ago in the electronic correspondence we already discussed the options for using VMProtect technology in their system, to which they received a fairly clear answer, that such an option is simply impossible, because cost of developing something similar for a "competing" company will be more than a hundred kilodollars and provide them with a $500 serial product for this purpose simply impractical. But this didn't stopped the Austrian developers and after officially bought VMprotect they started mowing loot. Everything went well until we corrected the claim that due to the unlicensed use of VMprotect, their license was canceled and options were offered for solving the problem through signing an amicable agreement, with compensation for us forfeit in a modest amount by their measure. Our proposal was ignored.

So: 1. We have given out signatures to antiviruses we cooperate with. Respect to Sophos: "For some reason my wife’s copy of Sophos keeps detecting a VMProtBad flag on one of the game’s dll files. Is there a lapsed license for protection with EA/BioWare that needs to be sorted out or did the system flag it on accident?"

  1. At the moment, we have asked the VALVE support to contact the legal department in order to explain to them the "danger" of cooperation with these scammers.

  2. Through our long-standing partners from Intellect-C, we are starting to prepare an official claim to Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH with the prospect of going to court, which can be a very good lesson for "greedy" developers who do not care about the intellectual rights of their colleagues in the shop.
In general, proceeding to flogging the next bad people."

It must be noted, that this guys already sued (source:

) and won the case (source:

) against for selling Acronis vmProtect.
P.S. On russian exelab forum ELF_7719116 (guy who cracked Securom) wrote:

"In a word, if CPY (3DM, BALDMAN ...) until some time will not unravel the ball (Unravel) ... em! At least in theory, I have the whole puzzle fit together. It only hinders the catastrophic lack of time to finish at least one of the most important modules for the Denuvo Profiler, which will RAM vmprot at once (there are too many VM contexts for manual patching: vmp2 - 40 / vmp3 - 15). I already wrote about this."


So, we might have in near future third cracker for Denuvo.

Could be interesting. I still think of games with denuvo in them as drm plague infested. ;)
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