Deployed 2 men in rtw. Enemy killed 6?

philstanbridge said:
Probably because they killed 4 of their own in the trampede. :)

Is that an actual word?? lol!

a mix of a trample and stampede? I think you should patent that word, would catch on :)
Absolutely! You try it yourself. Keep a group of slingers/archers behind a group of infantry - send the infantry to attack a unit - aim the slingers/archers at the enemy. They may or may not attack depending on their position and experience. If they do attack they will kill at least a small amount of your own men. It's realistic!
Yeah with an unpatched game friendly fire can be quite bad, they reduced the FF effects in one of the patches, 1.2 I think.
Elephants can be good at killing their own troops when they go nuts.
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