
25 Jan 2003
Seeing as it is OK weather I thought I would give the bike a quick wash over and reapply some acf50.

Having (what I thought) covered the bike back in October with acf50 I find the salt is chewing away at the rims and they have started to bobble under the paint work. I use wurth chain wax on the chain and thats rusting too, possibly because its not covered in oil if you were to use bog standard chain oil.

The bike was pristine when I got it last October and I can't believe how quickly the road salt gets into the metal work and starts corroding it :(
Yep, really hard to keep on top of it at this time of year.

Even when you are not our and about on the bike, rust still finds it's way, specially if it's raining after salt has been down on the roads, the rain will just lift up a dust layer of salt which will dump it's self on everything :(
i got my brand new rieju smx 50 (very high quality for a spanish bike) last may and and used it for commuting to work 30 miles a day since august and it starting to rust most things that arn't painted and painted! the fork clamps are the worst. but the rust does come off with a scotch brite pad. over christmas i have rubbed down the exhaust and repainted it as it was pitting the metal under the paint. but its only got to last me untill june(ish) when i get a car
The galvanised bits eg sprocket etc I can deal with, the bubbling on the rim was the biggest PITA as its not like I can polish or scrub it off.
You know what, I haven't found this ACF50 to be as totally amazing as everyone has been saying.

Ive used it a lot on various bits on my cars, and it didnt do a huge amount.

Its a shame you cant have anything nice, our roads really do wreck everything.
Gutting :(

Sams had his bike over in Dubai before taking it round the world. When he returned to England he has to plonk it away until he renewed his licence from Dubai to UK. It has been sat, covered, in a shelter but damp still managed to get to it. Luckily he WD40'd the pants out of it very frequently and we've just recently brought it over to Bristol in prep for our training and had it checked over (it's been sitting nearly 2 years now!) The only rusty parts were his spokes amazingly and needed a replacement chain (after 55,000 miles of offroading and all weather terrains then 2 years in a damp shelter it's not bad!)

It seems it takes muchos effort to keep the rust at bay but our vote sits heavily with WD40!

Hope you can get it sorted soon mister!
You know what, I haven't found this ACF50 to be as totally amazing as everyone has been saying.

Ive used it a lot on various bits on my cars, and it didnt do a huge amount.

Its a shame you cant have anything nice, our roads really do wreck everything.

It's good but better slightly warmed so it really spreads inbetween all the gaps.
I've used it for 3 years and in conjunction with FS365 my bike has not a drop of rust anywhere and its seen some hellish winters but not this year as its amazingly decent weather compared to last year.
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