design questions

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area

A friend has asked me to knock up a basic website design for them and gave me a basic layout.

Now, I've used codeacademy to brush up on my html + css skills and have the basic template sorted. Very basic for now, header, footer, main content, left links and right adverts. rounded corners.

it looks fine on my screen, but that's a 24" monitor and as I am using absolutes it obviously doesn't scale.

has anyone got any good links to guides on the best way of putting a design in to code, the pro's and con's of each site, best monitor resolutions to program for inc smart phones. best way to use an image for a background etc etc?

The basic code I have down, but the design side is where my skills lack.
ok thanks, i'll have a nosy through it. I'm just trying to get my head around the basics of design so I can look in to more advanced ideas, thought there would have been more suggestions with the amount of devs we have on here :)
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