Desktop amp for Wharfedale Diamond 10.1s? Alternatives to NAD D3020...

13 May 2003
Hi all

I'm currently using a NAD 3130 on my desk, pictured on the left here:


I love the sound, but not the fact that it takes up so much room.

Having seen the likes of the NAD D3020 around, I'm wondering if there are any alternatives for less money.

I don't really need all the digital whizz-bang technology. I listen to FLACs but on average speakers, so I'm not sure the integrated DAC thing is really necessary.

However are there any small analogue amps that will sit nicely on my desk and sound as sweet as my NAD?

Cheers for any tips.
New: The usual suspects of equivalent or better quality are all more expensive or discontinued: Arcam Solo Mini, Rega Brio-R, Cyrus.

The "cheap" alternatives might be okay for those with no reference point. But if you've been used to the power and control that the NAD will exert on speakers then a small T-amp, even one with upgraded components and more potent power supply, just won't be in the same league. T-amps range in price from a few tens of pounds to over £200.

A hybrid amp might be a better "Hi-Fi quality" choice. This type of amp combines the power of a conventional transformer-based Hi-Fi amp with the sweetness of a valve pre-amp. The one that really impressed me isn't cheap, but it's very capable.

Mystral DT-307a - £300


Heard it driving a pair of £9,000 Tannoy Prestige Series Kensington GR's (the 4ft tall speakers with the single dual concentric drivers)

Thanks for the reply. Looks like my options are fairly limited. That Mistral looks good, though I can't find it for £300 from any major sellers.

£370 is the closest I've got, and for that price I might as well get the NAD or the Monitor Audio A100 as they have DACs.
Forum rules prevent me posting a direct link. Drop me a trust message and I'll point you in the right direction if you're seriously considering it.:)
How about the Project Stereo Box DS?

Also slightly bigger but richersounds do some mini hifi's such as the ONKYO CRN755
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Monitor Audio A100 is suddenly £200 everywhere, so that's probably where my cash is going to go.

Only downside seems to be that it won't fit on the tower under my desk as it's 30cm tall. The NAD is more compact, but then it's got less power (going by the specs) and is twice the price.

Couldn't care less about wireless functionality and networking gimmicks, I only want a good small desktop PC amp. Tempted to see if the D 3020 moves on price at all now that the A100 has just plummeted.

Looks a lot like a router!

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