Desktop --> Laptop? Your thoughts/experiances.

30 Apr 2003
Prescot, Liverpool UK :)
Thinking after summer about selling the desktop..

2ghz amd
2gig ram
200gig hdd

And switching to a laptop,

Will I miss my 5.1 surroud sound?
Will I miss the 19"tft?

I know its a personal choice but I think the added mobility/being able to take too and from University (who does?) and lower noise etc would be better in the long run, I barely play games anymore, just do the website/podcast/odd CS game thing.
squiffy said:
I would keep the desktop, and buy a laptop. I use a laptop and desktop, usually desktop does stuff which laptop cannot handle. The laptop is great for browsing, lighter windows etc.

Laptops are ok, but don't expect them to be blinding fast during HD access/transferring...also some quirkiness that cannot be fixed like a desktop. Yes you will miss the bigger screen, larger/cheaper HD storage capacity. I would rather have both than just picking one, as each one does things better/differently to the other.

Thats a good point, there is the option of both if I can push my money far enough - my current desktop is at the standstill that most peoples are at the moment, AGP--> PCI Express leap.
SiriusB said:
My PC while good [and new one will be awesome] is definately not mobile lol. Gets boring sitting in my room for hours at a time sometimes. Its nice to be able to sit downstairs or in the garden and browse.


Yes! My main reason for considering a laptop right there, thanks for the replies so far.
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