Desktop replacement: win or mac....

29 Oct 2002
OK, I have a relatively good windows desktop at work, and a macbook. I have noticed that at many meetings I go to some people have now moved over to laptops so their whole 'work lives' are portable and e-mail and docs are easily accessible.
It seems that work are not to against the idea of me changing my current win desktop over to a laptop replacement. I basically use office, outlook (for managing my thousands of e-mails), and occasional photoshop stuff etc

some have macbook pros, some have Dells (that is all work will provide) torn against which to go for...someting like the Dell M1530 look good (and come with 1920 screens, but the macbook pro looks sort of sexy (although it could date?)

I suppose weight is another factor....lugging a 17inch around doesnt seem an option so a 15 will be better.

anyone gone through this process? Anyone 'missed' their old windows tower?

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