Desktop resolution.
A friend has a PC with on board graphics; she was playing with Google earth and reset the Desktop resolution to a very high setting, so much so that she has now lost her desktop. Apparently when she boots up she gets the windows welcome screen, however as the PC continues to boot, she looses her desktop. Consequently she is unable to do the normal of right mouse on the desktop, properties in order to set the desktop to a lower resolution. Help; is there a way of resetting the desktop to the default settings?
A friend has a PC with on board graphics; she was playing with Google earth and reset the Desktop resolution to a very high setting, so much so that she has now lost her desktop. Apparently when she boots up she gets the windows welcome screen, however as the PC continues to boot, she looses her desktop. Consequently she is unable to do the normal of right mouse on the desktop, properties in order to set the desktop to a lower resolution. Help; is there a way of resetting the desktop to the default settings?