
Originally posted by Gooner14
One weird thing is I have a BEoS shell32 at work and have used iconpackager to change one icon, the shell32 seems to overwrite this?:confused:

ive had that problem before! i didnt know how to fix it so i just reshacked the shell32.dll and put in the icon i wanted. i'm sure theres an easier way tho!!!
ill double check the links now and im using object dock in that particular screenshot although i sometimes use yzdock too


ive just checked my links and all of them work fine. theres a chance my webspace may have been down earlier and thats why they didnt work
yeah you only need to change the uxtheme.dll and shell32.dll. i use a snowe shell32.dll as it has great icons and the avi's in it look good aswell. (especially with a milk theme).

the other programs i use are

object dock
icon packager (for the occasional tweak)

and i think thats just about it :)

if you've got anymore questions feel free to mail me or add me to msn (details in trust)
i think object dock is the best personally and most of the docklets that are used with yzdock are being ported over to object dock anywayz so theres no need to stick with yz in my opinion
okay heres my latest setup. im changin it soon cuz i fee like going back to the roots so my next post will be classic panther


if anyone wants any of the stuff im using in the picture mail me or add me to your msn (in trust) and ill help you out :)

hope you like it ppl!
Originally posted by DigitalWerkz
Cheers mate,

i cant seem to get the volume to work on it? and the remote from that site, how do i do it?


with the volume its a matter of making sure all of the scripts are in the right folders and that the setvol file is in the samurize root directory and not in the scripts one (ie should be in c:/program files/samurize)

its a little tricky sorting out a problem like this on here so if after you've double checked you have problems then add me to msn or something. Everyone else seem to have!!!!
hi peeps! i'm back from germany and ive got a new desky too!

here it is hope you like it!


im low on webspace cuz im designing a website so if you want it mail me or talk 2 me on msn cuz i wont be able to put any links up. i'll appreciate it if the people i send stuff to could host it for others :)
Originally posted by Mad old tory
uberskilled: Whats the difference between the objectbar full and trial versions? Is the trial version like a 30day trial or is it limited functionality?

the only difference really is that whenever it starts up theres an annoying box that comes up telling you to buy the full version. if you can live with that then theres no difference!
Originally posted by Behemoth
Could someone tell me how to use Samurize ?

lol is there anything specific you want to do???

i would suggest looking at completed configs so you can see how they work.

if you're still stumped add me to msn or mail me. eveyone else seems to! lol
im in a do requests kinda mood (temporarily) so i dare say ill regret saying this lol but does anyone have any sort of requests as regards theme types, colors, backgrounds, scripts for samurize....

if so post! and i might just make a few of them;)
Originally posted by matrix3412
Uberskilled: Im stuck at the moment with a samurize script... I have most of it running including the tv part but when I try to put a cpu description and gfx card description it won't work and says 'not yet executed'. Its with the viper config.

Thanks :)

you might need to adjust the cpu and gfx description bits so that it can work with your computer as it will have been made to work with the computer its written on.

when you click on the items that display these properties look at the bottom right of the screen and there will be some drop down menu's. follow them through and find what it is you want to show. once you've done that the script should look in the right place and you wont have a 'not yet executed' msg anymore :)

let me know if you have anymore problems
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