Deus Ex 1 (the original)

15 Oct 2018
The greatest game of all time? It seems surprisingly informative about the future too, for its time.

Never really got in to Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The fact every one you walk up to is banging on about getting mechanically augmented detracts from the realism that should have been in DX:HR.

In Deus Ex 1 many characters offer an opinion about globalisation and their long lost rights under the US constitution and democracy, drug addiction, healthcare, and income inequality, while living out their days homeless with the Grey Death. The Aquinas internet surveillance also paralleled the Snowden revelations that weren't to come for more than 10 years later.

All that compelling narrative was entirely missing from my brief play of Human Revolution. Also, no one in Deus Ex 1 gave a damn about augmentations outside of UNATCO, except those discussing it as we might now (not way after it's become widespread as per HR).

The AI of Deus Ex 1 was atrocious, as was the engine when I first played it in the year 2000, which brought my PC to it's knees while Half Life 1 was running like a dream. That aside, any other big fans of Deus Ex 1, to the exclusion of its sequels?
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I suspect that 'down' was the only authorised narrative. Kinda odd that transhuman issues appeared in movies and games like Deus Ex: HR around the same time. Especially odd that they made sure it eclipsed every subtlety relevant to the real world that the first game brought to our attention.

100% with you that the first was a classic. Still unmatched today.
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