Deus Ex: Game Of The Year Edition

23 Oct 2009

Just downloading this now, bought it on the Steam sale at Christmas. Never played a Deus Ex game and I know this game is quite old so i'm wondering if there's any worthwhile graphical mods or tweaks I could do to it or should I just play it as it is?
The Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition release contains the latest game updates and a software development kit, a separate soundtrack CD, and a page from a fictional newspaper featured prominently in Deus Ex titled The Midnight Sun, which recounts recent events in the game's world.[as] However, later releases of said version do not include the soundtrack CD, and contain a PDF version of the newspaper on the game's disc.
Had to mess about with the .ini files as the max resolution this goes up to is 1600 by 1200, got it at 1080p now and it's looking 'slightly' better. So far i've only had a go on the tutorial and failed when this German guy told me to get a sniper and aim down the range, I accidentally pressed something and my character tossed his sniper into the firing range and I couldn't continue.

Cheers for the links, are all of them compatible with the Steam/GOTY edition?

Not tried any myself, yet. Must admit to being envious as this is your first play through. ;)

Some of those mods looks pretty sweet. Quite tempted by the Revision mod. Possibly wouldnt recommend it for a first play through (texture mods etc will do the job there) but could change enough to provide some suprises for a 6th play through.... Although the fire textures on the cars in hells kitchen are lol worthy.

I would suggest the OP just try some of the updated texture mods if you are worried about the gfx. Something like Its a bit more pleasing on the eye and leaves the core game as it is (the way it should be on a first run of this game). Play it, love it then see about adding the new missions and other things.
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A friend gifted me this on Steam over Christmas. I've downloaded it but not played it yet. I know it's supposed to be very good, but did I leave it a bit too long before playing it? Have things moved on so that it's only good if you own the rose tinted glasses you get for having played it back in the day?

I'm hoping not :)
I find most of the visual mods only serve to emphasise how dated it is visually.

I'm still envious of anyone whos yet to play it through for the first time tho.
Yea the lack of progress with HDTP is really annoying. I thought a game as popular as this would get it done quicker.
Old thread revival. Was just browsing through my steam list when I noticed I must have installed Deus Ex GOTY ages ago. Worth a playthrough? Does it hold up well?
Awesome game, might give it another playthrough, and go for the completion this time, only ever got to Area 51.

'BOGEY!', 'Hes here somewhere', Guy in a coat', 'Thats the guy', 'Im hit'................... :D
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Although the mechanics and combat have seen better days, most of the other game content (story / dialogue) is among my favourites of all time. I'm currently playing it with the Revision Mod.
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