Deus Ex : Playable Graphics and Mouse Settings

1 Mar 2014
I'm not sure if this fits into this forum category, but I will give it a try.

I got Deus Ex on Steam now that it's cheaper, downloaded/installed maxed out settings on 4K with 2x Titan X and it runs like rubbish.

The only way I can get it to run at ~60FPS+ with no major dips is on Medium preset but it's kind of wonky in general.

Also the mouse movement is strange ..

If anyone has any settings for GPU and mouse that would be very welcome.

Im seriously thinking of getting a refund, I nearly went full retard trying to get it to play at an acceptable framerate...
Is it fully patched up? initially the mouse sensitivity was all kinds of broken but its mostly fixed except (which I still find unplayable) the ADS scaling which is still broken.

Not sure what the status of the game is with SLI but with a single 1070:

Rroff said:
I'm using:

Exclusive fullscreen
Texture Quality: Ultra
Texture Filtering: 16x
Shadow Quality: High (Very high is bugged with latest patch and looks bad in some places)
Ambient Occlusion: On
Contact Hardening Shadows: Off (They are tweaking it at the moment but it can look bad in many indoor locations due to shadow render order)
Parallax Occlusion Mapping: High
Depth Of Field: (Set to taste)
Level of Detail: High or Very High (Very High makes a small difference to distant objects and around 1.5% performance difference but can help to just tip performance into the difference between feeling a little laggy and smooth in some places).
Volumetric Lighting: On
Screenspace Reflections: On

Temporal Anti-Aliasing: On
Motion Blur: (Set to taste)
Sharpen: (Set to taste) - seems to be a reasonably good sharpen filter so doesn't have too much sample ringing like other games/filters.
Bloom: On
Cloth Physics: On
Subsurface Scattering: On
Chromatic Aberration: (Set to taste) - controls the colour separation on edges where they become a bit unfocused with 2 or more different colour versions visible which can be a bit marmite.
Tessellation: On

With Shadow Quality and Level of Detail at high I'm mostly running around 60-70fps - setting them to Very High drops is back to around 60fps - looks fairly good and plays reasonably well on my 1070 at 2560x1440.

End of the day though it uses the same engine as Hitman which runs pretty meh at the best of times.
Is it fully patched up? initially the mouse sensitivity was all kinds of broken but its mostly fixed except (which I still find unplayable) the ADS scaling which is still broken.

Not sure what the status of the game is with SLI but with a single 1070:

End of the day though it uses the same engine as Hitman which runs pretty meh at the best of times.

Thanks for the help, will give these a shot later today. I think Im fully patched, checked updates just incase I missed anything.
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