Develop and publish a basic app free/low cost?...

31 Aug 2007
Guys, looking to develop a very basic app for a family member. It will be free and will simply contain information relating to their business. Unfortunately we don't have access to a Mac or developer account so I was wondering if there was another way to do this?

I've seen some free app creators on the web and whilst they seem to offer the basic layout/functionality I want, they don't publish the app for you, which makes it a little pointless!

If anyone knows another way I'd love to hear it. Thanks
Yeah I know what you mean and I've set them up a website, which I'm currently rebuilding as html 5 responsive (learning as I go!) but thought a complementary app would be a nice touch too :)
Phonegap Build can repackage HTML & CSS as a native app remotely on their servers.

Building for iOS distribution does require a developer account (£50/year I think) and I'm not sure on the App Store submission process when using that, usually it requires using Application Loader running on a Mac. There are various app loader websites offering it as a service but I have no experience there.
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