Developing your own black & white films.

18 Oct 2002
I am interested in starting to develop my own films. Is it possible to acquire the tools to do this cheaply? Has anyone attempted this before? Is it worth it? What exactly is needed?

Any advice would be great.
When i was in school i developed my own black and white films. Didnt need much special equipment, maybe the projector is the toughes to get cheaply.
Universal said:
I am interested in starting to develop my own films. Is it possible to acquire the tools to do this cheaply? Has anyone attempted this before? Is it worth it? What exactly is needed?

Any advice would be great.

If you just want to develop the film so you can scan it, then the high street camera store beginning with J sell kits (competitor! :) )of all that you need including the chemicals. Not sure how much tho - probably no more than £30 for a starter kit.

We bought our enlarger for about £250 second hand a few years ago now, but the 'bay should be able to kit you out fairly cheaply, cos people don't develop their own (including us now!) since digital boomed.

Oh you will need a really dark room as well!!! :)
i do this frequently. you need the following

A dark bag or darkroom void of light (to remove film from its case)
A spiral to feed the film onto in the dark
A tank to place the spiral in.
Water/Sink + black and white developer (Ilford ID11)
Drying area.

thats enough to develop the negs and can be roughly bought in total for around £25quid, plus some DIY

If you want to enlarge your negatives, then you'll need

A enlarger (about £100-200 depends on if u want colour too)
A completely darkroom with redlight
A sink
Paper development chemicals.

This can easily be done for about £200, and if you spend enough time kitting out your loft, or shed you have a colour or BW development area.
I wouldnt have said its so easy unless you have the room.
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I used to develope and print my own many years ago , long before the advent of digital cameras. Had a second hand Durst C35 and used the old bakerlite Rondinax daylight developing tanks.Had my darkroom in a walk in cupboard , no ventilation I might add.It was fun at the time but not worth all the bother nowadays , unless maybe for slides .I bought a film scanner from ******** and scanned some of my slides and negs in , but again , with these new digital cameras on the market , top quality pictures downloaded straight to your PC ,who needs all the hard work !
rickyt said:
I used to develope and print my own many years ago , long before the advent of digital cameras. Had a second hand Durst C35 and used the old bakerlite Rondinax daylight developing tanks.Had my darkroom in a walk in cupboard , no ventilation I might add.It was fun at the time but not worth all the bother nowadays , unless maybe for slides .I bought a film scanner from ******** and scanned some of my slides and negs in , but again , with these new digital cameras on the market , top quality pictures downloaded straight to your PC ,who needs all the hard work !

Agreed, but as a hobby it can be quite pleasing to see you work develop, especially by yourself.
For saving money i wouldnt bother.
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