Development phase.

19 Jul 2006
A few questions.

You have a client that wants a website that they can add content themselves, so automatically your looking at a CMS and I'm going to say wordpress is 99% the solution here. How do you go from the idea in your head or on paper to the final product. Would you make a html/css version then convert it into a wordpress theme or do you go straight from paper to wordpress?

The other one is when would you use something other then wordpress ( or a cms) for a site? Most people that I speak to have no interest in html and just want to be able to update there content. So would none wordpress things be just either (massive projects where the company has a guy or team employed to look after the site) or like your own personal projects.
Depends on your time and budget really. Wordpress is fairly blog focused, I've just set up a website for someone using it, unless you have time to build your own theme you are pretty much just finding one that is as close to what you want as possible, then customising it.

I run my own website on Joomla, which frankly is a bit crap from a user experience point of view, but a more powerful platform for websites that aren't blogs.
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