Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition - PC

24 Mar 2003
Has anyone got this? Mine arrived today but I have to say they have made a real mess up with it. You can only move Dante with the right thumb stick on the x360 pad! - The gfx look shocking and the max resolution is pretty low!

Everything about it just feels so wrong. I'm really really disappointed as i'm a big DMC fan. I was looking forward to playing one of my fave game series in high resolution. This my well reflect on how Resident Evil 4 could turn out also.

So anyone else played or got the PC version yet?
Yeah was its the special edition also that doesn't get released on the PS2 until september! pitty it was just released in such a mess. :(

i despise playstation so haven't really played this game much on general principle but my housemate has it on his ps2 and it looked cool.. shame it is nothing more than a cheap port
At least its here which is the main thing. This seems to be a cheap quiet release and why not? not every game has to be tailered especially for the pc.
I really hope they dont make a mess of the upcoming Resident Evil 4 port, cos I dont own a console at the mo and im dying to play it.
That's 2/3 that they have botched. The other one - Onimusha something or other - was a basic port with a terrible resolution. Guess Resident Evil 4 will be the same. :mad:
I've got Res4 for the PS2. So not going to bother then with the PC port because no doubt it will be tripe like this. :(
ive got the american import of this on me ps2 and it has nasty mark on the disc that stops me playing, but i have to say this pc port is very shoddy
DMC is even worse than Fighting games eg Tekken in the following respect


Ow dam I wonder why my thumb is so dam sore? Could it be from repeatedly hammering square for the last 2 hours? :p
Saldy agree this is a pile of **** managed to play it on a friends PC for all of 30 seconds before getting so bored it was untrue and it looks atrocious - in fact there was no point in porting it to the PC especially if you're not actually going to tailor it...

Sadly theres been some quite awful ports on the PC:

Dead To Rights 1 / 2
Omimusha 3
A really god-awful Japanese game which is so long winded it's untrue whos name escapes me at the moment
badgermonkey said:
DMC is even worse than Fighting games eg Tekken in the following respect


Ow dam I wonder why my thumb is so dam sore? Could it be from repeatedly hammering square for the last 2 hours? :p

lmao, fighting games such as tekken and soul calibur are deep as hell, you should take the time to learn them and find good opposition as opposed to picking up the pad and button mashing vs a computer controlled character xD. thats like saying an fps is just click click click mouse1....
i disagree, its an amazing game, but the controls are BAD hopefully they will bring out a patch for the controls i dont like using a keyboard

and the graphics suck but its quite an amazing game to look at
willthepirate said:
the graphics suck but its quite an amazing game to look at
Sounds like a contradiction of terms to me :)

Its a shame the port sucks so bad as dont have a ps2 and really enjoyed the first DMC...
Just got the game. It performs horribly, im getting around 20-30 fps at 1280x960 resolution. Do I dare go lower?
shame no one is doing conversions rto pc like sega, outrunn 2006 is fantastic conversion no probs at all and looks more juicey than the ps2 and xbox versions.
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