^ Devillian ^ Trion's next game ? - Korean Diablo+ clone

18 Apr 2006
So, from the small teaser pic they tweeted (below) it's more than likely they are publishing the Korean Diablo clone known as ' Devillian ' .

It doesn't look to shabby with each class having tons of skills, but more importantly it has 20v20 PvP !!!



It's more than likely they are publishing the Korean Diablo clone known as ' Devillian ' . It doesn't look to shabby with each class having tons of skills they can use and more importantly 20v20 PvP !!!

Surely it can't be as bad as the last game they published, Archeage :rolleyes:
Well considering they were responsible for a large number of the problems in Archeage and then knew about the others I won't be going near a Trion game for quite some time.
Archeage had all the ingredients for a brilliant game but I wouldn't let TRION run a bath after the way they handled it.

To think that Scott Hartsman was such a good producer on EQ2; where did it all go wrong?
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