DFI board, compatible RAM for <150

17 Feb 2006
I have heard there are compatibility issues with some RAM and the DFI boards.

I am considering OCZ platinum @GB 3200 but am wondering if there is any cheaper memory <150 that will be as good if I am not bothered about overclocking.
If you're not o/clocking then any RAM, including value, will do you. As for compatability problems, that could apply to any 2 pieces of hardware that have ever had to work together!

I've used almost every brand of RAM there is on a DFI board and they all worked well @ stock. Just have a look on OcUK and pick some PC3200 that are within your budget. Compare latencies if you need something to make your mind up between several comparable kits.
Dirk - what would you recommend if you are going for overlocking. Seeing all the recent ballistix threads kinda put me off crucial.

Got DFI as well and was thinking to get better ram for around 150 (there about) Seeing the speical i wasn't sure whether to go for 2Gb Geil Value or pay a little extra and get G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 or perhaps OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC3200 Dual Channel Gold or even one of the Corsair series (dunno which one woudl be best)?
If i were buying now and £150 was my budget i'd buy the Corsair XMS4000pt 2x1GB kit. Anandtech and others got this RAM to 290 with reasonable timings. You may have to try a couple of BIOS revisions as per normal on an Ultra-D to get the best performance but it is good, reliable RAM.

It's a shame the Corsair 3500ll's shot up in price as i got mine at just over £150 and i loved them. The Infineon chips on them are great with tight timings.
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