DFI nF4 SLI-DR chipset cooler replacement

13 Jan 2003
Well my motherboard chipset fan is making sounds like a concrete mixer under load and the chipset temps shoot up over 50segC...

So what have people replaced their chipset heatsink and fan with?

I have a X800XL that overhangs the chipset area.
Decided to give my chipset, X800XL and CPU a good clean..

The CPU needed it - that was obvious.

The chipset looked completely clean. Took a screwdriver around the inside and a supprising amount came out (eww).

The supprise one was the X800XL. unscrewed the top of the HS and it was nicely blocked..

Now I can't remember the last time I cleaned it... so that means it's not had a clean since the X2s first appeared!

All back to normal..
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