DFS file question

8 Mar 2007
between here and there
hey guys,

I currently have my network shares like this;

iscsi target on nas
- connected to DC2

DFS namespace on dc2 configured like this;

namespace (\\domain.com\south) -> add folder (iscsi target F:\ - users)

this allows me to access the files on the NAS using the namepsace ie, \\domain.com\south\users.

What I really want to do is have it so that if dc2 fails, dc1 picks up the slack.

How can I go about this without using DFS replication, as my understanding is I need twice the storage space, one for live and one for the replicated data. (which i don't have)

Can I simply connect my dc1 to the iscsi target, then somehow add that to the DFS namespace, so if one isn't available my users get the other?

This of course will only work if if the nas hasn't failed.

any help, pointers, links greatly appreciated;

thanks in advance :)
arh, not going to be able to do that then.

Server 2008 std on both dc's.

I'll install the dfs role service and get the namespace on, but it'll have to be a manual intervention to connect the iscsi target if the dc 2 fails.

thanks for getting back to me.
What happens if/when your iSCSI target goes down? Seems a bit pointless bothering with DFS when your storage has no redundancy... ;)

because i don't have a spare 2tb nas kicking about.

you can spend your entire life building in redundancy. the difficult bit is getting the best that you can with the tools you have provided.
You would be much better off getting rid of the iSCSI, installing local storage on both DC1 and DC2, and using DFS-R to replicate between them. That would give you true redundancy across everything (servers, storage, network), *and* you don't need Enterprise Edition.

true, but I'll have to go buy 4 2tb drives to stick 2 in each, then configure raid mirrored, then dfs replication... blah blah blah...

not a bad way to go. I'll fire up Oracle later and see what in stock...

oh, just found 5 brand new 1TB WD black drives in the stock room.

Better start planning and reading then... :)

EDIT: Wonderful thing about iSCSI, you can map storage to two locations at once for the same storage unit, just connect the same storage to both servers and don't enable replication but add both servers folder targets. You get the benefit of connectivity redundancy but without the storage redundancy

not true (in my experience)

I tried this once before and killed all the data on the disks..... didn't try it again.. got a 'right royal telling off'
I've been chatting with some guys from other companies I know and they're telling me that if your talking about large amount of data that is in constant use, this isn't the way forward.

they've experienced issues with old files being displayed and what not. the idea of making in one way is quite good. That could be revoked if the other DC dies..
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