DHCP / DNS Not updateing correctly

4 Dec 2002
Bourne, Lincs
We have 3 DCs, two at our main site, and a third at another on the end of a LES connection, we have one main DHCP server at our main site serving both the main and remote site.

However we have noticed the DHCP server is not updating DNS correctly, now DHCP and DNS are on seperate machines.

All 4 machines are on teh domain, DNS is set to clear down records, DHCP is set to dynamicly update DNS which is does not seem to be doing correctly.

The only think we can find that might be an issue is on the IPv4 scope on teh DHCP server, Properties, Advanced is an option called "DNS Dynamic updates registration credetials" now this isnt filled in, do we need to fill this in to make it all work happily? or is this some bit of MS redunant code?

All 4 boxes are Windows 2003


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