Diamond insurance company - anyone heard good/bad things?

26 Jul 2003
Ok so I just renewed my car insurance in my fiancee's name as she has 7 years no claims (and is female ;)). Everywhere I got quotes from were in the 750 - 1200 region for both of us. Lowest I found was £700 from Tesco.

However Diamond quoted £470 fully comp with no claims protection. :confused:
Girlfriend was insured with them last year, they sorted out a non-fault claim OK but needed a fair bit of chasing to do so.
My missus got her first year of insurance with them, they were fine but she only ever dealt with them for 1 break down.....anyway come renewal time her £800 premium only dropped about £60......she then went with NUD this year which were about half the prices of anyone else for some reason.
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owned by admiral (i thnink) and same as Elephant - who i have nothing but the highest regard for. Take it i say...
my Mrs was insured by them last year, and whilst they paid up a good price when she wrote off her car, they needed chasing every step of the way.
Other than that I have no gripes with them, they could just do with doing stuff a bit quicker.
Brothers fiancee was with them, had an accident and they needed to be chased arround until anything happened. After the crash her insurance went up a fair amount and Elephant was a lot cheaper (cheaper than her origional insurance with Diamond even thou she had a claim!)
My GF's insurance is through them and the cover note even has the admiral logo at the top. You call the same call centre and everything is dealt with by the same staff.

Rather excellent prices though, £408tpft for a 20 year old with 0NCB on a 1995 Golf GTI 2.0, everywhere else wanted £800ish!
lordrobs said:
Does your fiancee not drive any more or do you both share your car?

Both drive my car - the car is all in my name the insurance is in hers. She probably does more driving than me with the shopping runs too :p I think we done a grand total of 1500miles in the last year in it.
Noxis said:
Both drive my car - the car is all in my name the insurance is in hers. She probably does more driving than me with the shopping runs too :p I think we done a grand total of 1500miles in the last year in it.
Yeah it wasn't setting you up for an OMFG your car it should be insured in your name type comment. Its just that some people don't realise that NCB is for a policy and not the driver so if your gf already had a car she couldn't use the NCD for that and yours. But as you say there is only one car in the equation.
Me and the girl are insured with them, her as the main driver. Worked out about £200 less than everywhere else.
My mates car randomly set on fire, just on the drive, no 3rd party input completely of its own accord. the car was completely standard and always serviced by the dealer and they didnt pay out. said that electrical fires were not covered even though she was third party FIRE and theft.
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