Did i do the something wrong?

25 May 2009
i passed my cbt 3 weeks ago and got my bike a week ago but i went out this morning travelling down a 40mph road doing 40 mph when i noticed this white seat cupra roaring up behind, finally got to me and sat behind tailgating as soon as he got the chance he overtook me, as he was passing i raised my hand to show i wasn't happy with his driving (he was obviously speeding to overtake) anyway his passenger took offence to me raising my hand and started shouting something out the window ,they didn't get very far as there was traffic ahead so i stayed 4-5 car lengths away when we came to a stop.
now if it was just the driver in the car i'd have approached and had words.
also do cars drivers think they can take the mick because i have L plates on?
i have had other cars speed to over take me makes me think that they do or do they think i should be speeding because i'm on a bike.
You did nothing wrong mate but I wouldn't bother giving them hand signals next time just let them pass you & then do them in the traffic.
Yeah this seemed to happen to me a lot when I used to ride my cbf, It does seem to be related to the L plates even if you're doing the speed limit.

Just ignore it next time and enjoy the rest of your ride :)
This happend it me loads when I had my 125 :(. This weeks I was going through a 20 zone and this woman in a black jeep was right up my ass then she decided to try and over take me when cars were parked either side leaving very little space for her to squeeze by me but I waited for her to pull out a bit then accelerated so she couldn't :D I could see the anger in her face in my mirror and I got to admit it was quite funny :D Further up the road at the NSL signs I have her a little wave then shot off :)
Its because of the L plates. Same issue when learning to drive a car just its less enticing to overtake another car. Be thankful you aren't on a push bike. The number of times I have been overtaken by idiots when riding at 30 in a 30 zone then having them slam the brakes on in front of me when they realise what speed they are doing is ridiculous.
As the others have said, you did nothing wrong, iv had that done to me many times, in all different speed limit zones. Just remember to hold your road position like you where shown on the CBT, if people get impatient behind you, screw them, you are doing the speed limit and are fully entitled to be on the road.

Not all Car drivers are idiots, but there are plenty of the idiot variety for sure. I go 60mph on our local bypass (speed limit) and cars often overtake me, going 70/80mph, so just keep your road position, and let them do as they will. More powerful bikes do the same thing ofcourse, but give you far more space as they know what its like.
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