These things just don't add up.
People on here and elsewhere are saying that the oil companies and refineries (How many billion did Shell make last year?) can't afford to sell it cheaper. How can this be if it can cost 67p per litre in Australia with presumably little or no government subsidy?
Also if the weak link profit wise is the refineries i don't see how this works either. We don't buy the fuel from the refineries, we buy from Shell, BP, Texaco and other big OIL companies who are all anouncing these massive profits. I know oil generates more than just petrol and diesel but come on, how many billion litres of petrol and diesel are we using every day? this must account for a large proporion of their turnover and also their profits.
It's pointless going on about tax cuts or (If only!!) government subsidy becasue it just isn't going to happen. The government can't afford to do it, people have got to travel so they have us by the short and curlies.
May be i'm being too simplistic, but as i see it the result is we get ripped off by both the oil companies and the government