Die Hard with a Vengance: (Possible spoiler for people not seen it)

16 May 2004
I watched this the other day on SKY. Great film by the way. One thing really bugged me, this was:

What would the bad guys of done with the gold they stole? Jeremy Irons said somthing along the lines

"we have to decide what country to buy"

If they got the gold to where ever they was set to goto how would they use that to buy the things they wanted?

Surely if they had $100 billion in gold it would look a bit suspect trying to put that into a bank etc..

Sorry if you dont get what I and trying to explain to you all, but its just that I cant understand how they can convert gold to cash and spend it.
Off Shore Banking!... Swizerland or Camen Islands or summut!... Where thay Ask No Questions and you tell no Lies! ;)

Shifting $100,000,000,000 in gold might take 4 Trucks and a Large Boat but its possible!!.
I thought it would be somthing like that. Still sounds fishy to me.

So if I had Billions $ in gold in those heavy bars and I walked right into a bank in switzerland and said can I cash this. They would.?????
droolinggimp said:
I thought it would be somthing like that. Still sounds fishy to me.

So if I had Billions $ in gold in those heavy bars and I walked right into a bank in switzerland and said can I cash this. They would.?????

You could sale the bars to some very dodgy people and cash the cash
The gold would most likely have to be 'laundered' as it were. They don't just have to stick it in a bank either, there's other things they could do with it. Plus, no-one would be looking for it as it was blown up of course. ;)
With movies of this type it's best not to look too deeply into the logic - you'd never watch a movie again :)

If you want to have your ability to suspend disbelief tested, watch Transporter 2. That has some of the most unbelievable stuff going on.
droolinggimp said:
So if I had Billions $ in gold in those heavy bars and I walked right into a bank in switzerland and said can I cash this.

I doubt you or anyone would be walking into a Bank with that :eek:
"He'll feel better when he looks on the back seat."

"Oh ****, that was my gold bar!"

"Does this car have air bags?"

"Your side does, I don't know about..."

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