diet + running help

18 Oct 2002
Hi there i've noticed that ive put on a fair few pounds whilst i've been ill for the last few months (i stopped running and my gym burnt down too so that couldn't have helped) so i think i need to get a better diet - unfortunately i'm vegetarian (although i eat fish and eggs but am not allowed to cook them at home :/ 'cause of parents)

now does anyone have any advice?
i've been mainly making tofu,lentils,rice,beans,milk,nuts,cheese,normal veg and fruit but what else should i be eating (i notice that the FAQ isn't that great for veggies)

Also, I like to go for a run early in the morning before i eat anything then have a shower etc eat then wait a little and do some wieghts.. Is this a good idea or should i eat first?

Also what do you think of my running scedule (long run, break, 25min interval 1minoff/1minon, 25min, 1/2 long, break & long increases every week).
PS heres a tip if you get shin splints whilst running outside, run backwards for a short strech in every run - apparently it works (i haven't got it for a while now so it looks good its also apparently why bball players don't get it - i was told this by my teacher who runs marathons & is 1st reserve for GB so it seems reliable enough too)

I also have dumbell and barbell w/ bench at home so i vary stuff like row/raise/shoulder&bench press etc (but here i'm gonna use the info from the FAQ)

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
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