Difference between VP191b and VP930

19 Jun 2005
Belfast, N.Ireland
Has anyone been able to objectivley compare the VP930 to the VP191b. I had a VP191b for a short while but couldn't live with it, mainly because it didn't do black properly, sort of a silvery grey instead, so I went CRT.

I'm now looking for a second screen, LCD, and although the VP191b had shortcomings, the MVA panel was definitley the best of the bunch at that time. So to cut a long story short, does the better contrast ratio of the VP930 actualy translate into a better display, or is it just the marketing people playing with numbers.
Well, if you do the math, both screens are 250 cd/m2, the VP191 was 800:1 (the later 8 ms version), and the VP930 is 1000:1, so the VP191 could do a black depth of 0.31 cd/m2 and the VP930 can do 0.25 cd/m2. On paper of course.

So even if the specs are true (no particular reason to believe they're not) and not just creative marketting, then the black is only 20% darker. I haven't seen black depth specs for many CRTs, but I do know BeHardware measured a Mitsubishi 930SB at 0.07 cd/m2 (3.5 times darker than the VP930).
According to a comparison at Toms Hardware, compared with the VP191B, the black is slightly better at 0.3 as opposed to 0.34 before. If you didnt find the VP191B acceptable, i doubt you will see much real difference on the VP930.
Thanks for your replies. I'll still be keeping the CRT for games etc on a dual monitor setup, the LCD would mainly be used for coding etc and the location I have in mind requires wall mount so it has to be LCD. I did like the overall quality of the vP191b before, particularily compared to the few TN panels I tried. I also do a bit of photo work and the full 8 bits per pixel did seem to translate into better overall colour reproduction, it really did seem to be the best of the bunch at the time. So if the VP930 is even slightly better I will probably go for it. One thing for sure, it now costs a lot less that the VP191b did when I bought it !
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