Has anyone been able to objectivley compare the VP930 to the VP191b. I had a VP191b for a short while but couldn't live with it, mainly because it didn't do black properly, sort of a silvery grey instead, so I went CRT.
I'm now looking for a second screen, LCD, and although the VP191b had shortcomings, the MVA panel was definitley the best of the bunch at that time. So to cut a long story short, does the better contrast ratio of the VP930 actualy translate into a better display, or is it just the marketing people playing with numbers.
I'm now looking for a second screen, LCD, and although the VP191b had shortcomings, the MVA panel was definitley the best of the bunch at that time. So to cut a long story short, does the better contrast ratio of the VP930 actualy translate into a better display, or is it just the marketing people playing with numbers.