Different brands?

28 May 2010
Can you use different brands of ram if the speed and timings are the same? I have 1 stick of patriot viper that has failed and need a 1x8gb replacement but patriot only sell in pairs so I was looking at a different brand
In theory ... maybe.

They should be fine running at the default SPD settings. But getting to the XMP speed and settings could be harder - you might need to loosen the timings or run at a lower than XMP speed to maintain stability as the modules won't be exactly matched.
If your planning to use it for a short term (upgrading soon) then yes. But if your using it for a long term maybe not as their could be a small chance of random memory errors.
I have a second system with DDR3. Its currently got 12gb RAM with 1 2x4gb Gskill kit and 1 2x2gb I think Team kit if I remember correctly. Forget what times and speeds each kit is rated for but they are both been running at 1600mhz with same timing for years now without issue.

Maybe Ive been lucky, but if you have two kits at hand no harm in try to see if it works
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