Different soud output for a second monitor?

8 Mar 2007

Im wondering if its possible to either set seperate sound devices for either monitors or application? I watch a lot of DVDs through my PC, but with it connected to my TV. Id like to have it so that if i play a game or something on my PCs monitor, the sound comes through my speakers, whcch are either side of the monitor facing me. But then if I put Media Player up on my TV (as a second screen) id like the sound to come through the TV speakers as the TV faces a completely different way and is at a 90 degree andgle to my desk? Is this possible with a dual soundcard setup?
A solution my mate uses is a buffalo network player, over ethernet.
so someone in one room can stream video to the tv, while the pc in another room is free for normal use.

He said hes upgraded the firmware on it tho, cos the standard soft/firmware wasnt too cracking.
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