Different SP games

17 Mar 2005
Im looking to play a non standard game i was thinking along the lines of Vampire Masquerade how does this step up? and im realy looking foward to portal i need something to do as im bored of grinding on wow and all my other generic FPS games could you recommend me a few doesnt matter if their a little older but no more than 2 years hanks.
Try Farenheit, one of the few games that kept me going enough to complete. It's a weird puzzle/adventure style 3rd person game with a bit of dancing stage built in.
El_Watcher said:
Try Farenheit, one of the few games that kept me going enough to complete. It's a weird puzzle/adventure style 3rd person game with a bit of dancing stage built in.

Agreed, very good game and is very difficult to put into any one genre..... story kept me going until the end which is always a good sign :)
I was going to suggest Deus Ex, but that's over 2 years old.

Tribes Vengeance maybe?

If it doesn't have to resemble Vampire:TM then Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a good bet.
Knights of the Old Republic
Knights of the Old Republic II
Jedi Knight II
Freespace 2

To start :)
Max Payne 1 followed by Max Payne 2 .

Great storyline continued throughout and excellent style of gameplay. Not to mention the engine still looks absolutely stunning with a decent res and levels of AA/AF. Mixing bullet-time motion with realistic ragdoll physics couldn't be any cooler...

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