DifxFrontend failed

30 Aug 2016
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to ask advice about this error I'm getting every time I start my PC.

I'm getting this error

2016:09:12 03:40:19:295 Could not recognize operation: M!

2016:09:12 03:40:19:297 DifxFrontend failed!

Anyone know what could this be?

I've been searching for days now and couldn't find any resolution about this.

Appreciate all the help.
Hey! I know your post is a bit older but I got a similar problem and I think I solved it. I didn't know if it was Operation M or T or so but this is how I solved it:
In my task manager under 'startup' were two applications with just my first Name in it. I was able to deactivate these and the problem disappeared. I followed the path to these applications and deleted them completely. One was the error itself and the other was the updater for OpenOffice.
I have never seen this error again and I am not that much into this to explain why it happened.
I hope you were able to solve this until now but for those who are still around with this problem: good luck.
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