Digging a hole (tunnel) while the rain pours in

1 Mar 2010
5 degrees starboard
So you are sitting in a tunnel under a busy construction site that your or your friends have dug. Traffic is no doubt passing over your head. It is raining and sleety. Soil falls from overhead and runnels of water flow around your feet. Unknown to you the ground weakens around you as it relaxes.

Do you,

A) leave by the quickest exit.


B) sit tight and sue the HSE for not taking account of your predicament.

Answers on a postcard to #isyouremergencyreal
i would do neither, you said the situation was unknown to me.
Neither stay nor leave? Difficult one that. :D

I was saying unknown as to a layman's knowledge of soil mechanics. Not as a tunnel engineer. However as boards bend and props buckle or sink. The creaking of the minimal temporary support may cause intelligent thinking people that this is not a safe place to be.
Even stopping the work above will not make these tunnels a safe place to be so I cannot see what they achieve except losing their own life and causing distress to relatives.a 1.2m deep trench can be fatal in a collapse, a tunnel is easily far more hazardous.
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