digital 5.1

4 Jul 2007
hi, im looking for a sound card that does 5.1 over digital weather its optical or cable. as i have a suround setup but the sound card i have has 3 outputs for the speakers to get a surround output but i cant connect that many inputs to one chanel on my suround system

or do all digital out put only work in stereo?
Have you tried using the digital output from your m/b (one optical or one coaxial) straight to your amp? Your amp should decode it to 5.1.
it will only do stereo if your using it for music etc (as pretty much all music is only encoded in stereo anyway). stick a DVD in and tell your DVD software to use SPDIF as the audio output and it will send over a Dolby Digital or DTS 5.1 soundtrack

if you want 5.1 in everything then you'll need a soundcard that has Dolby Digital Live or DTS Connect encoding on it
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strangly i never thought about trying a dvd, but thats probably because i ply my movies on my ps3, as soon as i put a movie on it went in to 5.1
before i was trying to get it to work in games (mostly cod4) but with no success
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