Digital audio help please

5 Aug 2013
I have a new Samsung TV which doesn't have a headphone out. On my old Sony TV there was one and made things easy to plug my wifi headphones in (going deaf)- So I connected the humax box to TV and used the RCA output on Humax for the headphones- this is working fine for TV but watching Youtube music on TV I have to turn volume up a lot or use hearing aid and that sounds total crap.
I have also connected the TV to the sound bar with digital toslink and it occurred to me what if I could get a dac with digital in and out plug and pair of RCA connectors. So a straight through with a analoge tee off - I could then plug headphone into that and get sound from all inputs.
Anyone know if such a thing exists - I have spent a while googling for it but can only find digital to analogue - not digital straight through with analogue tee off.
Or any adapters that plug in either end.

I have come up with a Toslink splitter so then I can get a straight forward digital to analogue converter.
Will still post this just in case someone comes up with a much easier fix.
My WiFi headphones were a bit expensive so wouldn't like to put them to one side.

Unfortunately no HDMI - Will have another look - Might just go ask on AV Forums -been a member for years but not been on for years
I have been using Sennheiser HDR 185 for a number of years and they have served their purpose - remember I am deaf so quality doesn't come in to it - The sole purpose is so I don't have to turn sound up so the whole road can hear it and the wife is blasted out of her seat and cat scarpers.
The digital out on the TV is making a good job of driving my Canton sound bar so wife says. So all I want is to connect the headphone base unit to the digital out on the TV along with the sound bar.
Providing I get sound - super quality is neither here or there.

Yes my new Samsung all singing all dancing super dooper WiFi - BT -TV has very few outputs. Hence this thread and yes I should have checked but not being a big TV fanatic I was swayed by numerous TV reviews.
google seems to tell me they already have optical inputs -
so aren't they already good to go ? and, connect to the tv's optical output

Not only am I deaf it looks like my eyes have gone as well -Had to get magnifying glass out :) -- They are 165 -sorry :o

Fotunately I am not converting HDMI to USB and my TV was way less than 500 quid. The sound bar has Toslink and RCA inputs - I need an output.
My Toslink cable splitter turned up today - fitted that and sound bar still works fine - Just waiting for the DAC for the headphones.
Dac came not long ago - Its fitted and everything works fine - so digital out from TV to splitter - one digital output to sound bar and the other analogue output to my WiFi headphone base and it's all working and got the picture and voice in sync. All for less than £15
Glad I didn't buy all singing all dancing gold plated titanium cased Dac.
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