We use Linhof 5x4 cameras with FujiChrome RVP 50 film which is now being discontinued 
It feels like we are slowly being forced to go digital but how do apatures of F45 that we use with our Nikon 135mm 1:5.6 lens translate into 35mm terms (such as a EOS 1Ds Mk II)?
I believe that focal length has a bearing on the apature, and a smaller apature on a smaller focal length may end up with the same desired result?
I can never find any reviews that show what kind of DOF CMOS sensors can capture?
I've looked at dpreview but the information, such as samples of images with a small apature, are not there.
Thanks for any help.

It feels like we are slowly being forced to go digital but how do apatures of F45 that we use with our Nikon 135mm 1:5.6 lens translate into 35mm terms (such as a EOS 1Ds Mk II)?
I believe that focal length has a bearing on the apature, and a smaller apature on a smaller focal length may end up with the same desired result?
I can never find any reviews that show what kind of DOF CMOS sensors can capture?
I've looked at dpreview but the information, such as samples of images with a small apature, are not there.
Thanks for any help.