Digital camera quality settings

21 Aug 2005
I am wondering what everyones different settings are for picture quality. I have a Canon IXUS 800 and I can choose between:

Large (2816 x 2112)
M1 (2272x1704)
M2 (1600x1200)
Small (640x480)
Widescreen (2816x1584)

Super Fine

Usually I use M1 or M2 and Fine. But I never fill up my memory card (2gb) before I have a chance to upload to my PC. So is it better to use the best settings?

Also how important is the resolution as its only being displayed on a monitor? Should I opt for Super fine all the time?

Just looking for some comments or tips :)
Maximum always.

So in your case I would chose large at superfine. I'm guessing the superfine, fine and normal is the level of jpeg compression? If that's the case you should always chose superfine.

With storage being as cheap as it is there's no reason not to keep everything at max. You say it's only ever going to be displayed on a monitor, but you might want to print something out one day.
Another vote for maximum quality every time. It doesn't cost any extra so there's no real excuse for using anything else.
RAW quality over JPEG quality is negligable. It only really matters if you edit your shots and save them multiple times, in that scenario RAW is better but for many poeple who dont actually edit the same image 5 - 10 times its pointless. Also RAW takes up copious amounts of space on your hard disk. Unless you have a CD archive then I would recomend JPEG. Yes hard drives are cheap these days but you can run out of space in your PC in no time and laptops just can't cope. Consider what you do most with your images and choose accordingly.

Starting to do a lot of stock photography so use raw for maximum image quality plus the ability to change the white balance before processing can be a big help if i didn't quite shoot it right.
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