Digital connection!

15 Jun 2006
I've always ran my computer through my Minidisc deck into my amp. The deck no longer plays disks but I liked to use it as a limiter. Anyhow, my card is currently a humble Audigy 2 so I decided A good and simple upgrade would be to connect it digitally to my MD optical in, hence using the decks DAC's.

To do it you just use a 3.5mm monojack cable into the card (yellow port) to give a coaxial output. I needed an optical one so had to knock up a convertor. It works fine just with the optical cable taped to a bright red LED.

I conveniently already had that power supply board for another unfinished project :)

Sounds clearer, more like my CD player does. The computer always had a strange bit of distortion on some tones (the start of Massive attack - Future proof really showed it up), possibly a resampling problem, never did sort out my K-mixer etc. No longer evident. Also noticing more depth in my reverb effects and better stereo generally. Now just to decide on a decent home made convertor or do I pick one up from work :D
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