Digital Download Images

1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Hi All,

I'm currently working on a revamped Supporters Club website for my football team (see sig) with all the usual club merchandise but I was also thinking of adding in some digital downloads seeing as I'm the Club Photographer. My first thoughts are to upload some photographs of the ground and leave the action shots for ones I'd sell separately. I would think that if i uploaded an image that was 1920 x 1080 at 72dpi it would be good enough as a desktop wallpaper but would also limit the size that could be printed should someone want to try.

Has anybody got any experience on doing this with any of their images and can advise accordingly?
By and large the deal between myself and the club is that they are my photographs at the end of the day but I supply the images to the club to cover any matches and any promotional items they require e.g the panorama in my Sig was sent to a grass seed supplier to help gain a better deal / sponsorship for their product.
I'm sure the dataco rights thing has been raised before, possibly when gaffer had his rugby shoot but I'm sure with the title of club photographer or press association this covers the legal part from the sfa and sfl regarding selling of images of one of its members.

The images of the ground to be sold would add funds back into the club so I wouldn't gain anything from it personally.

Oh and we are a global concern. We ship out merchandise to Australia and America already ;)
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